Frequently Asked Questions


I have been producing this artwork and selling the prints and visual teaching materials by direct mail order since 1983. However, the hardest thing we have ever tried to do, and still have not succeeded in doing, is to get them into Christian bookstores. We do have them in a few bookstores in our local area and a handful of independent stores nationally. American Portrait Films distribute some of the videos nationally. The reason it’s been so difficult? Distributors and large chain stores make a decision on what to carry based on what they perceive will be a high volume selling product. Despite the popularity of our materials with hundreds of thousands of individual mail order customers over a span of almost 20 years, we have been turned down every time we sent submissions because they don’t feel there would be “mass appeal” for them. Since those doors never opened, I had decided that the Lord just wanted me to send them one order at a time, instead. So that is what we continue to do. Financially it actually works out better, for us and you the customer, since there is no middle men (distributors & bookstores) taking their cut. So our prices can be kept lower. The website has been online since 1998 and people have purchased my prints them from all over the world. So it has really gone far beyond the bookstores. I figure God just had a better plan!

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If you wish to use any of the Revelation artwork as a cover for your book, CD cover, or any other product that will be sold, just contact me by using the contact form. The usual prices for reproduction use are, $250.00 each , or if more than one illustration is used in the same project it would be $200.00 per illustration. For non-profit use (that is, if your ministry is registered as a non-profit organization) prices would be lower, so contact me for pricing, if this is the case. These are usually flat, one time fees for the transfer of non-exclusive, one time rights. I will need to some idea of how many books or CDs or DVDs you will be producing. We would send a usage contract specific to your particular product. I would just need to know which illustrations you wish to use, your name and address, phone & email address and the title and subject of the book, or CD or DVD. I can send whatever type of image file you need for printing. Contact the artist at this email address: revill@aol.com. For more information click here Licensing artwork

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Yes, as long as it’s just one copy for school use. I can email one illustration for you. Proper credits must be used in the paper or project. Here is the requested credit line: Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992. To order prints visit her “Revelation Illustrated” site, www.revelationillustrated.com .

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Many people ask permission to use my art in emails, chats, YouTube videos and blogs. We have no way of knowing who sent it or how you can get a copy.

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Yes, we have a free printed catalog available that shows all the artwork with the scripture references. It also shows all of our products and prices. Request this catalog by clicking here Contact Page.

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We have all the Revelation artwork in high quality art prints in the 11″x14″ size, and 7 of them are also available in the 16″x20″ poster size. Our product page shows all our products and prices. At the top of this or any page on our website, you will see “Online Store” or click on this direct link Revelation Productions Online Store. When you get there, just click on the Products tab. Prints are available from the Revelation Illustrated series and other artwork she has done.

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No, but another artist has illustrated Daniel in great detail, with digital paintings. His name is Ted Larson and you can see his art on his website: Digital Art by Ted Larson

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I have done a completely illustrated future events timeline chart, which was commissioned and published by the ministry and publisher, Word of Life Ministries, Inc. It takes the viewer from the crucifixion to eternity, with images of the rapture of the church, the judgement, etc. You can view or order this image as a download by going to this link Future Events Timeline

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The Lord did not actually give me a vision, with my physical eyes, but I saw with spiritual eyes the visions that were described in His word and I knew that He was leading me to illustrate Revelation. As a very visually perceptive and creative person, I could easily picture in my mind what I was reading. So when I searched the Christian bookstores for visual teaching materials for this, the most visual book of the Bible, I was just amazed that none existed! So out of sheer frustration and a desire to make this book come alive for my teenage students, I decided to do this artwork. It came to me over a period of weeks and months of intense prayer, pouring over the scriptures and research, as I was at the same time teaching it. I know that it was not something that my own vivid imagination came up with (as some non-Christians have asked), because if it were, the artwork would never have survived the microscopic scrutiny that it has undergone by thousands of experts on Bible prophecy. Time after time it has received accolades from the experts for its Biblical accuracy and attention to detail. This truly does amaze me, since I knew almost nothing about Revelation when I started illustrating the visions. That proves to me more than anything that it really was a gift from God, and He really was leading me. For more information and photos, click on this link: Revelation Productions – Meet the Artist.

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You can use only one illustration on a website for free, as long as you do not crop off or obscure the watermark on the image. You must also add the copyright credit line, and link to my site near the image used on your website. Here is the credit line to use: Art is by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992. To order art prints visit her “Revelation Illustrated” site, http://www.revelationillustrated.com

If you cannot copy the image you want to use on a website, contact us at revill@aol.com and let us know which one you need to use. If you wish to use more than one, you should purchase the 40 image CD which contains the whole series, with and without watermarks. However, you will still only be allowed to use the watermarked images on the internet from that CD. You will notice that even on our own galleries we use the watermarked images. This is to help curb the rampant pirating and illegal use and selling of copyrighted artwork.

For use as wallpaper on your own computer, just let us know which one you need if you are not able to copy and paste it. For use as a screensaver, please go here where you can get information on ordering the “Revelation Illustrated” screensaver program.

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I have gotten many emails and calls asking this question. If this is a way that you choose to witness to others, I say go for it! Whatever works for you. Yes, you may have a tattoo artist copy any of my artwork onto your body. Just send me an email to let me know who you are, and you will need to order the print that you wish to use. I ask only one thing in return – please send me a photo when it’s finished, and all healed!

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Sorry, no the gallery is just to be used as you would use a catalog. We have the all Revelation artwork already available in various forms of high quality visual aids specifically for your teaching and personal study needs, and at very reasonable prices. We try very hard to maintain the artistic integrity and quality of the art, because we feel the Lord deserves nothing less that the best, as I’m sure you’ll agree. The copyrighted online images are not suitable for printing, projection, or reproduction of any kind. The online gallery is posted only so that you can get an idea of the content of each illustration to determine if the materials would be suited to your teaching viewpoint. You can study it online whenever you wish. The viewpoint I used when illustrating the work is neutral, so most teachers and pastors of all Christian denominations have been able to use it regardless of their millennial or doctrinal views. For info on ordering, I hope you will visit the product page of my website where all details and prices are listed. Here is a direct link: Revelation Productions Online Store.

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Yes you can. We do not produce them here at Revelation Productions, but we have licensed Kingdom & Will, a company here in the USA,  to do a T-shirt with the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” of Pat Marvenko Smith’s artwork printed on them. They do great work.

Go to https://revelationillustrated.com/t-shirts/ for more information.

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I have gotten all of the above requests from around the world. Sorry, the answer is no, I don’t do that type of work, but I do give permission for others to copy my work in those instances, as long as they contact me first. And by the way, yes my art has been used on all of the above! As a commercial illustrator specializing in artwork used primarily for print media, I work only on a small scale, in water based acrylic paint, usually with an airbrush, on illustration board. I give permission for my work to be adapted by other artists who do work in those particular mediums, as long as the proper credit line is used on the finished piece. Contact me by email at contact us in such matters, since the same credit may not fit in some circumstances, but I usually ask that it be similar to this: Art by (name of artist who is copying my work), adapted from art by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.

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Yes, I do quite a bit of commission work. Generally,  illustration costs range in price between $400.00 to $6000.00. For an estimate, please email a detailed description of what you want in the illustration and what you will be using it for, and I will get back to you in a few days with an estimate, and also let you know if and when I will be available to do the work. Send your email to revill@aol.com. As a general rule, if what you want is very detailed with many figures or objects, it will cost more than if it is something simple, because of the time involved. My hourly fee is $45.00. If you have a good idea of what you want, it will save quite a bit of design and layout time. If you decide to go for it, I’ll let you know when it can be scheduled. I then will send a contract which you would sign and return with a percentage of the payment, and I would begin your illustration. The balance of payment would be due upon completion. NOTE: I do not design logos. But if you need an illustration for use within a logo, I can do that part for you, and your printer can add the type. For more detailed information click here: Licensing and Commissioning Artwork.

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If you have additional questions, or need more information, contact us!


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Meet the Artist Pat Marvenko Smith

Pat Marvenko Smith is a free-lance commercial illustrator and designer. She has done artwork professionally all of her adult life. She has done various types of artwork for publishers, businesses, ad agencies and ministries in the United States and Canada.

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